Finally a new book to take Olivia's mind off the Sock Monkey book for a while! This book is pretty precious. It isn't too long. The illustrations are really well done. And Olivia CANNOT get over how he just spills sprinkles on the floor! hahaha...too cute.
we have that book also and i love the sprinkles part, it's so cute i love the illustrations
I'll have to find that one. I'm so freaking over the Sock Monkey book. I mean it's cute... but trying to do those voices... geez. That new one looks super cute!
hahaha, I don't even do voices for the Sock Monkey book and I'm sick of it! haha, Olivia's favorit part in that book the the campfire...she sticks her finger on the fire and I have to freak out like she's getting burned every time. She expects it and if I don't do it she gets mad!
I'm ALWAYS on the lookout for good books.
Do you have the hungry caterpillar? it is Ella's all time favorite
I think I do...I don't know where it is though! I remember getting it when Olivia was a wee little baby. I will have to find it!!
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