Two months later and I am just now getting around to writing about Penelope's birth! I guess I've been busy!
Little Miss Penelope came into this world on November 14, 2010 - nine days before my scheduled c-section. I actually went into labor! I had never felt that feeling before so it was so foreign to me. I was out to dinner with friends the night of the 13th, started feeling cramp-like pains but told myself they were nothing and went to bed. Around 3 a.m. I couldn't sleep through the pain any longer. I started writing down and timing my contractions and finally called Dr. Monroy at around 4 a.m. after I lost my mucous plug. I went to the hospital where I was expecting them to tell me I was having false labor pains and turn me away. They hooked me up to the monitors while Dennis went to fill out insurance paperwork. Literally five minutes after both him and the nurse left the room my water broke. What a
weird weird weird feeling! I was so completely terrified and alone in that moment but
thank God the nurse came in a second later. Contractions came on like crazy from that moment on...I was holding onto the bed rail for dear life...the nurses were impressed at the size of my contractions...but unfortunately I never dilated. It was the craziest experience to go into full blown labor only to have them inject me with drugs to stop my contractions. My body is like a freak of nature. I literally
do not dilate during childbirth. It's very bizarre. So a repeat c-section it was! Earlier than I had planned...which I was perfectly ok with.
Our newest addition to our family, Penelope Melissa, was born on November 14th at 8:11 a.m. She weighed 7 pounds 3 ounces and was 19 inches long.
She's two months old now and already weighs over 10 pounds. She reminds me of Olivia sometimes but I think I see more of myself in her. Speaking of Olivia, she is the most amazing big sister. All she wants to do is hug and kiss her little sister. It is so sweet.
I'm enjoying my time as a stay-at-home mom so far even though it comes with challenges. For instance, Penelope has colic. She does a lot of crying in the evenings and is sometimes inconsolable but I'm trying out this infant probiotic that her doctor recommended which I think is helping. Other than that she is a really feisty baby! She is constantly moving her arms and legs. She smiles a lot and is trying to coo. I just adore her! She is such a little sweetie.